Cook, Juice, Store and Learn More

urbanvegjulyAs the peas, beans and mange tout have been ripening, Urban Veg has been working hard to bring you some great courses this summer and autumn and we’ve just released the NEW COURSE LIST. We have cooking in the garden, cider making, winter wonderfoods, making harvest baskets, pruning apples and storing your precious produce in unusual ways. Please have a look and let us know what you think.

The gardens are feeding us and we are still sowing now for repeat crops of beetroot, lettuce, radishes, pak choi, turnips, khol rabi and more and will be sowing for winter crops soon (See Alys Fowler’s course in August). If you want to help us look after our demonstration garden please check out our volunteering page and get in touch.

In the meantime we hope to see you at the GIY International gathering 2013 where GIY will be launching in the UK. The day will include lots of talks from famous and brilliant people and its all happening at the University of Birmingham on the 20th July!